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The material on this site is the copyright of Asha de Vos. Photographs should not be used without the express permission of the photographer. For more information contact whalessrilanka@gmail.com

Monday, August 20, 2012

How does YOUR ear work?

This morning at my Methods in Bioacoustics course at the Duke Marine Labs we are learning about 'Fundamentals of Hearing'. Wendy Dow Piniak, a Duke PhD student who studies hearing in sea turtles (very cool!) introduced us to this great video of how your ear works. A fun learning tool that will have you laughing. Guaranteed. Hopefully you will gain new appreciation for your ears and how incredible your brain is! Stay tuned for more....

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nurturing ocean heroes

Amisha De Alwis - 9 years of age.
Aniika and Maya Tennekoon - 11 and 5 years of age.
I believe that to love something and protect it, you have to understand it and feel it. Today I introduce to the world three girls who are fuelled with the curiosity that will hold them in good stead no matter what path they embark on. Selfishly, I hope the ocean will continue to mesmerise them.

These three girls are daughters of two of my friends. Fine women who have taken on the immense task of teaching their children about the beauty and secrets of the ocean. Thank you Shanu and Devini, you make my task so much easier. Once, not so long ago we were running around the school back garden, eating mangoes and haggling over the corner piece of chocolate cake. Some things have changed but thankfully, not everything. We were and remain bonded by our love for the outdoors (amongst other things).

Thank you for lending me your art and thoughts Amisha, Aniika and Maya.